Safeguard MID


3DS 2 mobile

Managing their chargeback ratio is one of the biggest concerns for online merchants. As a merchant, you want to keep your MID safe and bring the chargeback costs down.


Better success rates

Requires no technical effort

Lower Transaction Cost

Lower transaction costs

More Flexibility

More flexibility

Better control

Acquirer independent

Acquirer independent

What is chargeback management?

CB example

In many cases, the costs of handling and possibly fighting chargebacks are higher than the actual purchase value; not to mention, it can take up a lot of resources.

As a merchant, you need to manage the cost, the administrative handling and prevention of chargebacks. If the merchant has its chargeback management under control it can take more risks in revenue-generating activities leading to a higher return on investment.

How to manage chargebacks?

Merchants need to understand the reasons behind the chargebacks. It is even better if the merchants are notified that a chargeback might be coming before it actually happens.

These so-called dispute notifications allow the merchants to refund the transactions before the chargebacks are raised. Dispute notifications can prevent a lengthy arbitration process and a lot of costs. WLPayments gives merchants the tools to manage their chargebacks and dispute notices fully automated.


Streamline chargeback management

automate chargeback

How Chargeback works?

chargeback flowchart

Let's talk about

Chargeback Management

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