Split Payments,
Going Dutch

Split Payments

Allow customers to pay for their individual share when making a group purchase or to use multiple payment methods to complete an order.

Payment Split using Dutch
Conversing Boosting
conversion boosting

Conversion boosting

reduced drop outs

Reduced Drop-outs

Easy to use technology.

Easy-to-use Technology

multi-payment methods

Multi-payment methods

Developer payment methods

Developer Friendly APIs

customer-centric  solutions

Customer-centric solution

How it works

Split the Payment        Add the email addresses of the participants who will share the payment and choose how to split the amount (evenly, percentage wise or custom split).

Split payment

Share the Payment Link  A payment link is sent automatically to each participant over SMS, Email etc.

Payment link

Each Customer Pays      The online payment is completed through each customer’s preferred method (debit card, eWallets etc.)

Customer pay

Get Notified         Receive a notification and track the status of the Split Payments.

Get Notified

Give your customers the simplest way to pay

simple way to pay

Enable multiple payers for group subscriptions, trips, gifts, food orders, etc.


Expand your target segments with younger individuals


Easy and fast setup
with a single integration


Decrease cart abandonment rate and increase sales

simple way to pay
Split payment going dutch
Video tutorial: Making Split Payments with Whitelabel Payments

Let's talk about

increasing your success rate
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